Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sol Goode

What Jack Says...

Sweet Jesus what was I thinking watching this? I seriously don't know. What I do know is that when Netflix suggests movies I need to walk away. No not walk, bolt!

This is your basic story of the best friend not knowing he loves his best friend until it's almost too late. I like that type of thing as much as the next guy, but this movie just sucked. 

Now, there was one pretty awesome surprise that I had not anticipated. There is a scene where she is talking to a guy at a party that is aspiring to be a model. I'm watching the movie and thinking to myself "that guys looks like Jared Leto. A thinner Jared Leto, but still Jared Leto." I totally IMDB'd that shit and it was him. He was just uncredited and for good reason! The movie was horrible. The best part is that at the end he ends up in bed with another guy. That's hot. 

This is getting a 2. Horrible and I want my time back. I think I watched this in two sittings to it makes it that much worse. 

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