Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Date Night

What Jack Says...

Snore! Yep, I would put this one right up there with The Bounty Hunter. This is what happens when bad writing happens to good Actors. Much like The Bounty Hunter, the only thing keeping me going was the prospect of Gerard Butler taking his shirt off. In this one I didn't really want anyone to take their shirt off, but I did want Tina Fey to just be lovely and funny. I didn't get that.

When I first found out that Steve Carell and Tina Fey were going to do a movie together and it was going to be funny I nearly exploded with joy. However, now that I have viewed the film I am not impressed. I don't blame them at all though. They could sit in an AIDS clinic and give out bad test results and still make it funny. I blame the writer completely. He took two funny actors and gave them a script that wasn't funny. The writer's name is Josh Klausner just in case you want to write him some hate mail. I guess I shouldn't have had such high expectations. He gave us his writing talents in the giant piece of shit we call Shrek 3.

In the end I still love them both. I still want to marry Tina Fey and I will stick by her because that's what good wives do. I won't kick her while she's down. She knows the movie sucked.

I give this one a 5. Anything less would be just sad.

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