Friday, December 17, 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife

What Jack Says...

The Time Traveler's Wife stars Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams. It is the story of a man who travels through time to meet his wife at various stages of their lives.

This trailer totally lied! I just had to start with that. They totally portrayed this movie as some sort of hard core romance and it was not that way at all. Yes, they meet. Yes, they fall in love. Is it romantic? I'm not so convinced. It felt like they wanted each other to be someone different then the person they were with. She always wanted him at a different age then he was and vice verse. It was very strange.

It has been a while since I watched this and I still don't know if I liked it or not. I felt that I needed to sleep on it though I have slept many nights. I think this movie had the potential to be really great, but something was missing. I know you can't bitch about something unless you know how to make it better and since I don't I will just stop.

Eric Bana was naked a lot! Huge perk. The DP on this film was Florian Ballhaus so the cinematography was pretty fantastic. Great lighting, the scenes all looked great and it was just an all around well made movie. I still feel like I missed something though.

I give this a 6. A middle of the road grade for a middle of the road movie.

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