Monday, March 21, 2011

Iron Man 2

What Jack Says...

Ugh, what I can I say about this entire enterprise other than I can't stand these movie. I know you may have just checked out at the mere idea that I blow my wad at that prospect of yet another comic book movie, but I'm pretty over it. 
The most shocking part about this entire franchise is that people actually think that Jon Favrea is a good director. He might have had a minute of greatness back when he did Elf, but that's about it. It actually physically pains me to see some of the shit he does with the camera and don't tell me that his action scenes are good. They just aren't. They are shaky and all over the place. You wanna watch a good action sequence then watch The Town. Yeah you heard me Jon Favrea. Ben Affleck kicks the shit out of you when it comes to directing so there!

Scarlett Johansson is pretty much the only reason I wanted to see this movie and when she was cool she was cool, but the rest of the time she is sort of like a robot. If this were Star Trek I would want her to be the voice at the helm. Oh sweet Jesus how annoying is Gwyneth Paltrow in these movies? The worst part is it so isn't her fault. That is how the character is written and that is just bad for women everywhere. So bad.

I will say that I am nearly certain I will have nothing to do with another one of these movies and since Jon Favrea isn't making it neither will anyone else. Robert Downey Jr. just needs to make more Sherlock Holmes movies, because they are far more superior. Oh, and Robert looks great. Like wow wow wow great. Bravo on the bod. 

Boo, I give it a 3. Yep, a 3. I expect some lengthy hate mail over this review. Bring it on.


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