Monday, March 21, 2011

Red Riding Hood

What Jack Says...

I'm going to just get this out of the way right from the start. There is no sex in this movie. Nope none at all. That was a HUGE disappointment because the trailer really made it out to be a big hot steamy mess. No one even takes their shirt off. Seriously! Painful. Wait! There is this one fantasy section at the end, but I think you just see some shoulders. That's not enough for me.

All that aside I actually sort of kinda enjoyed this movie. The directing was terrible. Women directors have no place in the business. Sorry, but that's how I feel. This movie was however extremely aesthetically stunning and the costumes were pretty impressive as well. This is a production designers dream project. There was so much fantasy that you could have taken it anywhere so that was pretty exciting.

Now, for what I really want to talk about. How hot is Shiloh Fernandez? I mean seriously. Why isn't he in everything? I want to cast him now now now in the script I'm writing and it's not even finished yet. I sort of hope he doesn't become too big of a star so that I can have a chance at casting him. He is a little short and a little skinny, but there is something about him that makes him insanely hot. He is sort of like a younger Joaquin Phoenix without the lip issues. 

Amanda Seyfried was pretty hot too and she is just sexy looking girl. Now, since she is so sexy and she does get naked in movies, I pretty much assume now that she will get naked all the time. I was very saddened when that didn't happen in this movie. They tease at it, but no actual nudity. Stupid PG-13 rating. 

In the end I would watch this movie again. I will definitely want to see Shiloh Fernandez in all his hotness again and maybe they will have unedited version for the video release. Here's hoping.  

I'm gonna take a chance here and give it a 7. I may have to retract that rating once the DVD comes out if they don't give me more of what I want to see. I have a good feeling though. 

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