Monday, September 6, 2010

(500) Days of Summer

What Jack Says....

(500)Days of Summer is a story about a young man (Levitt) who thinks back on his prior relationship with the girl he believes was the girl of his dreams(Deschanel). He is trying to figure out what went wrong, when it went wrong, and why it happened to him.

When I heard that my long time boyfriend Joseph Gordon-Levitt was going to do a movie with my long time girlfriend Zooey Deschanel I was thrilled. My bubble was slightly burst when I heard a few people say that this movie was just so so.

I will say that I really enjoyed this movie. I won't go into detail, but I will say I laughed, I cried, and it hit slightly too close to home. Good job guys.

I give this one an 8
What Hari Says...

Dear lord.  I cannot explain how much Zooey Deschanel annoys me.  Even spelling her freaking name was fucking annoying.  OMG!  That was ridiculous.  The only reason I watched this film was for Joseph Gordon-Levitt. 


  He is so incredibly awesome.  However, I was still super annoyed by Zooey and he was kinda wimpy and I wanted him to just the fuck over her already.  I guess I just didn't get it.  

I give it a 2.  And I totally feel like Elaine with the English Patient.  It was annoying and long and somewhat painful.  It got a 2 cuz JGL is just precious.  

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