Monday, September 6, 2010

The Invention of Lying

The Invention of Lying stars Ricky Gervais and Jennifer Garner. It is the story of a group of a world where no one can tell a lie and everyone is completely honest about everything. A man (Gervais) finds a way to lie to everyone and no one suspects a thing.

I really wanted to see this movie when it was in the theatre, but now that I have seen it I am glad I didn't actually pay for it. I was extremely disappointed in this flick. The trailers made this movie out to be pretty funny, but unfortunately anything that had even a morsel of humor in it was in the trailer.

Jennifer Garner plays the beautiful and painfully honest female role. I guess she fits the part, but I really didn't find her all that beautiful in this movie. I think her hair was all wrong and her clothes were old and doughty. I guess she played the character just about as well as you would expect her to. Has she ever really wowed anyone with her performance?

I love Ricky Gervais and he can do no wrong with me. This movie won't change my opinion of him in the least. Let's just hope that next time he hits the nail on the head.

I give this one a 3

What Hari Says...

I agree with Jack.  I'm so glad I didn't pay money to see this in the theater.  And I don't know what the hell happened, cuz I LOVE Ricky Gervais HARD!  I would so hit that.  He should just be guaranteed funny, but so not for this one.

I'd give it a 3 as well.  Hmmmm.... nope.... didn't work... 

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