Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Karate Kid

What Jack says...

I don't think I really need to go into what this movie is about because everyone on the planet has seen this movie at least a dozen times except for me. I can't believe that is has been over two decades and I had never seen The Karate Kid until last night.

This movie was entertaining and it certainly was a good family film. I don't know how much kids now would like it though. There weren't any loud explosions or retarded american anime characters making stupid faces to keep kids attention. This just goes to show we used to have more of an imagination when we were kids. Yes, I know I sound like my parents.

Why does Elizabeth Shue look old even when she is young? She has this whole Anegela Lansbury thing going on. That chick never looked young even when she was. I'm very perplexed. 

This movie was entertaining and it had a good script. Unfortunately, I did grow up with Side Kicks and I still like that one better. I love you Jonathan Brandis. RIP

I give this one a 6.5

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