Saturday, September 11, 2010


What Jack says....

Ok, so I have NetFlix now so it gives you movies you can watch instantly. What I am slowly beginning to learn is that if you can watch it instantly then it isn't worth a damn.

Management stars Steve Zahn and Jennifer Aniston. It is the story of a man (Zahn) who's family owns a Motel in what is supposed to be Kingman, but it isn't. It was a little too clean to be Kingman. A traveling sales woman (Aniston)visits the hotel and has a one night stand with (Zahn).

Now I beg to ask the question; Is it a one night stand if they do it during the day. Think about it? Anyway, he falls head over heels for her and follows her all over the country and she just really isn't into him.

I was in trouble from the get go with this one because I am a total sucker for both of them. Now, I won't say that this was a good movie, but I will say that it had some good stuff. This was Zahn's first attempt at being the romantic lead and he didn't crash and burn so that is good. I love Jennifer Aniston and I love when she plays the uptight rolls, but it almost comes off like she isn't acting at all. I feel that is is the way she is in real life. She should have let John Mayer continue banging her because she needs to loosen up.

I told Hari that this one is only worth watching if she stumbles on it. It isn't worth recording or even searching for on NetFlix.

I give this one a very shaky 5

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