Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lovely & Amazing

What Jack says.......

Lovely & Amazing stars Catherine Keener, Emily Mortimer, and Brenda Blethyn. This is your basic tale of women coming of age, issues with weight and parenting. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah.

I started this movie this morning and when I was about 10 minutes in I realized I had already seen it. I skipped through the rest of the movie to jog my memory and I figured out this movie was not good. You know it is bad when you re-record something and you forget entirely that you have already seen it. Clearly there wasn't anything memorable about it.

Overall I give this one a 2

Wow, I hate to be so negative, but Catherine Kenner and the woes of parenting, not my cup of tea.  It makes my toe nails itch just thinking about it.  

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