Saturday, August 21, 2010

Terminator Salvation

What Jack says......

So , I have seen Terminator Salvation before, but lately HBO has been playing it like gay clubs give out blow jobs. It is seriously on all the time.

I saw this movie in the theatre twice and that was not necessarily because I wanted to. I saw it the first time at the real theater with all the surround sound greatness and then at the drive in. I would not suggest it at the drive in over all the chatter of small children, and loud amps and headlights shining through the screen. It sort of killed the effect. Plus the sound is horrible even if you are playing it through your car stereo.I also watched it following The Hangover, so it paled in comparison.

Let's get down to the gritty details and say that the best part about this movie is the fact that Sam Worthington takes his shirt off. He should be naked all the time. Although whoever told him that he could do an American accent should be shot. It shines through in all his roles and he just needs to quit it. Foreign accents are hot. That is a fact.

This movie would have been totally amazing if Christian Bale had taken his shirt off in the same scene as Sam Worthington. My head would have exploded all over the windshield. They would make a super pretty man couple.

In the end this movie is highly entertaining if you just want a good old action flick with a little bit of story arking.

I give this one a 7

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