Sunday, August 29, 2010


RocknRolla stars Gerard Butler, Tom Wilkinson, Tom Hardy and basically all the other standards from any Guy Ritchie movie. The plot has something to do with a painting, a Russian and some flash backs to some family drama. I don't really know because honestly I went in to watch the hot guys. Going into this movie I did not know that Guy Ritchie directed it, but after a few minutes of the credits I knew it was him. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. That made the movie slightly predictable and overly reminiscent of Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch.
I will just cut to the chase and tell you what the best part of the movie was. There is some serious homosexual tension between Gerard Butler and Tom Hardy and that is hot. It turns out that Hardy plays a gay guy and he comes out to Butler and basically tells him he wants to do him. As if Gerard Butler isn't hot enough, a gay Gerard with an even hotter Tom Hardy is just too much. My heart nearly stopped. I will say that nothing happens between them and really nothing happens between anyone else. If something had happened then this would have been the greatest movie in creation. All I really want to do now is move to England and find myself some hot blue collar guy with an accent. Is that bad?
Overall, if you like the Guy Ritchie feel of everything sort of being all over the place and not having any continuity then this might be the one for you. Oh, another thing is that I like Jeremy Piven as much as the next guy, but why is that every director thinks they can just throw him in anywhere they want and it will turn to cinematic gold?
I give this one a solid 6
What Hari Says...

I couldn't even finish this one.  Nopester.  It was a no go for me.  Sorry.  

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